
Performance evaluation: an important learning tool

 Performance evaluation: an important learning tool

Gap - English word translated into Portuguese means gap. In the organizational field, this term has been widely used by managers of people, because of gaps - are signaled the "gaps" that need to be filled by professionals, with respect to the skills needed to carry out work activities. But how do you identify these "empty spaces" presented by employees? The answer comes when they undergo a performance evaluation process, since this feature evaluates and scores which should be developed and improved in every person.
Although the word assessment does not sound pleasant to many people, it is through this process that the professional understands better what the company expects of him and, in turn, the organization can trace along with the professional an Individual Development Plan. This will prevent that after a certain period, the employee continues showing a lower than expected performance and to shut down the company, not knowing what really led the company to make that decision.
This has is, without doubt, the main reason is that many companies adopt a performance evaluation of its shares in Talent Management. This is the case of Entire TP - company adopted two years ago - this tool in order to develop their employees. Founded in 2000, the Entire Technology Partners operates in the electronic commerce solutions segment for the corporate market B2B - Business to Business.
According to José Ricardo Ferreira, commercial director and founder of the company, performance evaluation takes place annually through the application of a questionnaire, and after compilation of the data, the necessary actions to each professional are carried out either with respect to remuneration, training specific, promotions, among other initiatives. "We come to adopt the evaluation of performance, because we needed to have an individual analysis for us to have a real idea of ​​how were our talents and what we could expect from each of them," recalls Ferreira.
According to director of Entire TP the target audience of this process are all employees working in the organization, but he confesses that there is special attention aimed at technical professionals, since they are considered the "raw material". The whole process, it is noteworthy, in addition to the coordination of the Human Resources, also has the support of the company's product management, notably through the effective participation of the leaders.
The beginning - As the company had no experience with performance evaluation tools, the most viable alternative at the time was joining the FLOOR (Software Industrial Polo), which enabled the participation in a number of activities including the analysis of performance of professionals.
The performance evaluation Entire TP has a simple logistics and comprises the following steps: 
- Weekly meetings between leaders and managers. At that time are evaluated questions such as:. Assiduity, punctuality, commitment, quality of services, collaboration and performance of employees 
- six-monthly application of a questionnaire to the leaders and product managers of the company with objective and issues related to the performance of internal talent. 
- Follow-up Meeting of leaders and managers with the area Human Resources, responsible for providing necessary support to the process. 
- Meeting to determine the actions, from the information generated by the HR department, the leaders and project managers.
After all these steps, the employees are invited to have a feedback of their respective reviews and what are the actions that can be taken to improve the performance of each. It is important to emphasize that in addition to the opportunity to develop and refine new techniques and behavioral skills, the employee may express a desire to change industry and give a new direction to his career in the company. All possibilities are relevant at that time.
When asked if the company noted that the gaps identified in the performance evaluation were not filled after a certain period, what is the attitude adopted by the organization, José Ricardo Ferreira is emphatic and states: "The main function of the evaluation is whether the professional She is satisfied and has the potential to grow and needs training, whether it is accepted or, even if but doing some activity that does not please you. We still have the concern to identify whether the professional is part of the company standards. In short, Company shutdown is our last option. We always try to find out if other factors directly influence the performance of each talent, "he summarizes.
Evaluation criteria - Among the criteria that make up the Entire TP performance evaluation include: attendance; timeliness; commitment to the development and documentation standards; commitment to the project deadlines; quality of services delivered; availability and commitment to the company's public image.
When asked about the benefits generated by performance evaluation, José Ricardo Ferreira highlights the anticipation of problems. That is, when applying the company tool realizes the degree of possible dissatisfaction of collaboration and already corrects the issue with better posture, a fairer remuneration, in short, everything that the employee does not come to ask, but the company can offer because its leaders are always attentive. Finally, the commercial director and founder of the Entire TP is satisfied with the periodic application of performance evaluation. "I believe that our talent show themselves receptive, because through this tool to anticipate the possible problems and this makes them feel recognized, valued for delivering leading the organization," he concludes.




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